Do you remember what it's like to jump rope for the first time?
I gave some kids a jump rope and a little instruction and let them go for it. The results were hilarious and entertaining and super-duper cute. Good times were had by all.
It was also Peace Corps Volunteer Chet's first time to jump rope...
This decrepit bridge spans a major river which flows swiftly in the rainy season. The community just above the bridge is home to the only 9th, 10th, and 12th grade high school within many miles, as well as an elementary school. Kids regularly cross this bridge or risk the river forge swelled by afternoon rains during the school year.
Last year concerned parents took the issue to Panama's main highway to draw the attention of the government. The government responded with a placating attempt at starting to build a new bridge, but now the project has been left abandoned for nearly six months.
This brave soul, Ezekiel, allowed me to video him crossing the bridge.