Sunday, December 11, 2011

I Dream of Vegetables

I had a dream recently. It was sensual. It made my heart beat quickly, and when I woke up it was all I could do to close my eyes and come close to the imagery my sub-conscious produced. I dreamed of vegetables. It was a farmers market of fresh produce. I browsed and bargained. Green peppers were five for a dollar. Tomatoes were ripe and fresh. The line of vendors went on for a mile. I wished I had plastic produce bags to reuse, but alas, it had been so long since I had bought any produce I was not in possession of any.

The carro de legumbres (vegetable truck) rolled through town today. It's summer now so the cars can easily pass down our muddy road. I'm the only customer in town but I think that's enough to keep them coming back. I bought wilted celery, small onions, and a petite cabbage out of the exposed bed of the truck. I can only hope my host mom will fry them up in some oil to spice up my next bowl of rice.

(Couldn't snap a photo of my rice)