Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Oh My Mangoes!

As soon as the first drops of rain began to hit the parched earth at the start of the rainy season the clumps of green mangoes hanging from the gigantic crooked limb'd mango trees decided collectively it was time to ripen. Since then, mangoes fall like candy from heaven on the ground everywhere. The variety and number of mangoes could be compared to wild apples in Washington state.

One rainy afternoon I stashed myself away in my house, door closed, sitting in my hammock reading. It was clear I was not accepting visitors at that moment, so when two of my favorite little girls knocked on my door I hesitatingly got up. Little did I know the gifts they brought hung in the dresses like baskets. Mangoes!

"Girls...", I asked in a serious tone, "Do you think we could eat so many mangoes our stomachs would explode?" 

Then we did the second best thing to do on a rainy afternoon. Dance. 

Chicha Libre

I love this article I found on NPR's music page. The "corn-derived liqueur" is the same my indigenous people consume. This spunky music is fun and "harmonizes" with how one feels after a few cups of chicha!

A Brooklyn band with musicians from three continents, Chicha Libre has just released its second album, Canibalismo.