Thursday, January 26, 2012

NYRs (New Years Resolutions)

It's a little late to be talking about NYRs. Or maybe it's the perfect time. I've never put much weight into NYRs, but with my free time this year I thought I'd make a positive habit change. 

Dental hygiene is the theme and flossing is the intent. Judge me if you wish (I know you don't floss either) but I've never regularly flossed. I blame the permanent dental appliance my mouth houses. Not only does it require special floss but I feel like I have to spend at least ten minutes doing a mix between sewing and crocheting. In my mouth. 

Since I don't have a 9 AM class to get to or a desk to sit at by 8 AM, I spend the extra time in the morning flossing. And I don't know how I ever didn't floss. It feels wonderful. I've been going strong since January one and am not looking back. 

Did you make a resolution? It's January 26th, have you stuck with it? 

1 comment:

  1. I heart flossing! I agree, once you start, there's no going back. And no, I have not stuck to any resolutions.
