Thursday, February 9, 2012

No Peace

Do you remember the last time the government took away your cell phone service to deter you from demonstrating against their agenda?

The last time the police dispersed unarmed protesters and people were killed from gunshot wounds?

This is not the first time being here reminds me how much I appreciate the USA.

Our staff had sequestered us volunteers to our sites to avoid the protests of the indigenous people with whom I live. They were protesting the unauthorized development of a copper mine and hydroelectric dams on their land. Visit The Prensa website for more articles. Everything has calmed down, cell phone service restored, and I'm free to come and go now.

1 comment:

  1. It's been a while since I've looked in on you, wow maybe since you have been in the peace Corp, your lifes intent maybe not be a missionary, but here you are. Many blessings to you, we'll praying for you!
